The real story in the NSA scandal is the collapse of journalism
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Han mener at den journalistiske fejl er at WP har været meget klar i deres beskyldninger, som de efterfølgende har ændre efter de officielle pressemeddelelser er kommet fra de respektive firmaer uden at give nogen som helst form for indikation af at artiklen er blevet ændret siden dens udgivelse.
Jeg mener dog at det er dumt at skrive "the real story" som i bund og grund forsøger at fremstille som at PRISM ikke var et problem.
Han mener at den journalistiske fejl er at WP har været meget klar i deres beskyldninger, som de efterfølgende har ændre efter de officielle pressemeddelelser er kommet fra de respektive firmaer uden at give nogen som helst form for indikation af at artiklen er blevet ændret siden dens udgivelse.
Jeg mener dog at det er dumt at skrive "the real story" som i bund og grund forsøger at fremstille som at PRISM ikke var et problem.
har faktisk en masse information.
har faktisk en masse information.
In response to the technology companies' denials of the NSA being able to directly access the companies' servers, The New York Times reported that sources had stated the NSA was gathering the surveillance data from the companies using other technical means in response to court orders for specific sets of data.[2] The Washington Post suggested, "It is possible that the conflict between the PRISM slides and the company spokesmen is the result of imprecision on the part of the NSA author. In another classified report obtained by The Post, the arrangement is described as allowing 'collection managers [to send] content tasking instructions directly to equipment installed at company-controlled locations,' rather than directly to company servers."[1] "If these companies received an order under the FISA amendments act, they are forbidden by law from disclosing having received the order and disclosing any information about the order at all," Mark Rumold, staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told ABC News.[25]
While providing data in response to a legitimate FISA request approved by FISC is a legal requirement, modifying systems to make it easier for the government to collect the data is not. This is why Twitter could legally decline to provide enhanced access to its systems.[29] Other than Twitter, the companies were effectively asked to construct a locked mailbox and provide the key to the government, people briefed on the negotiations said.[29] Facebook, for instance, built such a system for requesting and sharing the information.[29]
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