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cnr (13656) skrev:Lige nu sidder jeg på et skib i Ha Long bay og synes, at lang leu, kunne være et totalt sejt vietnamesisk navn
lang ting tung?
@fe950: jeg er glad for at de respekterer vor skikke, du er nublevet æres mehlorhm
fe950 (13668) skrev:2 store meloner til CBM
uhh, meloner... altid rart med et par store meloner.
Jeg har selv en banan som jeg godt kunne finde på at placere imellem dem.
Hov vent, er det dine meloner eller en andens meloner?
fe950 (13670) skrev:Du får du dejlige mande-meloner.
Tænker du over det i disse non binære tider.
Jeg har lige læst om Anoush (udtales ANUS), som godt kan lide bananer og som ikke må tiltales som hverken han eller hun, trods at biologien siger at der hænger en banan
cnr (13672) skrev:Det kan godt anbefales at mudre-prutte et par mande-meloner ved bent, for en både sund og læskende drik
you wouldnt fart on a police man, ask him if it was good, then fart on his face, ask him again and then finally fart on him a third time
FBI, IT Crowd, EB, Me
You wouldn't steal a car
You wouldn't steal a handbag
You wouldn't steal a television
You wouldn't steal a movie
Downloading pirated films is stealing,
stealing is against the law,
You wouldn't steal a handbag. You wouldn't steal a car. You wouldn't steal a baby. You wouldn't shoot a policeman. And then steal his helmet. You wouldn't go to the toilet in his helmet. And then send it to the policeman's grieving widow. And then steal it again! Downloading films is stealing. If you do it, you will face the consequences.
You wouldnt fart on a police mans face, ask him if it was good, then fart on his face AGAIN, ask him again and then finally fart on his face a third time and THEN ask him a THIRD time if it was good... would you?
You wouldnt fart on fe950, then ask him to fart on cnr and finally ask both to fart on QW, would you?
Farting is piracy, stealing air is against the law.
Piracy is terror, terror is rape, rape is stealing, stealing is piracy.
Piracy is stealing. Terror is piracy.
Doing stuff against the law. IT'S A CRIME
Farting in a face is stealing of air,
stealing is against the law,
You wouldn't steal a car
You wouldn't steal a handbag
You wouldn't steal a television
You wouldn't steal a movie
Downloading pirated films is stealing,
stealing is against the law,
You wouldn't steal a handbag. You wouldn't steal a car. You wouldn't steal a baby. You wouldn't shoot a policeman. And then steal his helmet. You wouldn't go to the toilet in his helmet. And then send it to the policeman's grieving widow. And then steal it again! Downloading films is stealing. If you do it, you will face the consequences.
You wouldnt fart on a police mans face, ask him if it was good, then fart on his face AGAIN, ask him again and then finally fart on his face a third time and THEN ask him a THIRD time if it was good... would you?
You wouldnt fart on fe950, then ask him to fart on cnr and finally ask both to fart on QW, would you?
Farting is piracy, stealing air is against the law.
Piracy is terror, terror is rape, rape is stealing, stealing is piracy.
Piracy is stealing. Terror is piracy.
Doing stuff against the law. IT'S A CRIME
Farting in a face is stealing of air,
stealing is against the law,
fe950 (13676) skrev:Du er fuld af prut
fe950 (13674) skrev:Jeg prutter atid i retning af vindmøller. Det er mit bidrag til global nedkøling.
Det er da vist dig der prutter mest? :D
Skal du pålægges en metangas afgift?
UCD: - now with even more "Friction!"
Mayhem Mansion:
The Crystal Maze:
romero returns, ancient aliens, teeth, mutiny:
doomed links:
abs, elf, coma :
mias, alpha, jcp, wolf :
one more romero :
why steam can be a curse :
gzzz waaaadzz:
Zandro - multi gzdoom:
nexus :
alien TC (sprites, might work well with brutal doom and the doom vehicles) :
UCD: - now with even more "Friction!"
Mayhem Mansion:
The Crystal Maze:
romero returns, ancient aliens, teeth, mutiny:
doomed links:
abs, elf, coma :
mias, alpha, jcp, wolf :
one more romero :
why steam can be a curse :
gzzz waaaadzz:
Zandro - multi gzdoom:
nexus :
alien TC (sprites, might work well with brutal doom and the doom vehicles) :
CBM (13679) skrev:fe950 (13676) skrev:Du er fuld af prutfe950 (13674) skrev:Jeg prutter atid i retning af vindmøller. Det er mit bidrag til global nedkøling.
Det er da vist dig der prutter mest? :D
Skal du pålægges en metangas afgift?
Det er der en forkert konklusion.
Mit udsagn fortæller hverken om mængden af mit prut eller pruttens beskaffenhed.
Mine prutter er økologiske og lavet på fritgående høns.
Jeg kan dog se at du bruger meget energi på at finde link, og tænkte at du har direkte adgang til fossile brændstoffer, navnlig metan.
Og til sidst en :)
fe950 (13687) skrev:Skal der sprøjtes noget dybt ind i hulet ved metoden? Gør man det ved alle huller? Kan QW levere eller skal der flere borebisser?
der skal sprøjtes en hvid klæbrig masse ind i alle huller
cnr (13690) skrev:Hele ideen ved fracking er netop at man sprøjter væsker dybt ind og øger trykket i de nedre regioner. Problemet ved at hyre flere end Qw er imidlertid, at får man skabt for højt et tryk, risikerer man et blow-out, hvilket kan have store miljømæssige konsekvenser
What is fracking?
Fracking is the process of drilling down into an object before a high-pressure liquid is directed at the object to release the gas inside.
the liquid is injected into the object at high pressure which allows the gas to flow out.
The process can be carried out vertically or, more commonly, by drilling horizontally in the object, which can create new pathways to release gas or used to extend existing channels.
The term fracking refers to how the object is fractured apart by the high-pressure.
men jeg tænker at en KLÆBRIG masse med et lidt lavere tryk og med samtidig indførsel på indtil flere strategiske udvalgte placeringer, måske kan være med til at undgå for megen fracking grundet massens klæbrige konsistens?
det afhænger jo også at objektet, en hamster er for eksempel mere skrøbelig end QW
fe950 (13684) skrev:Åh QW, QW, QW hvornår kommer den daaaaag... hvor jeg ka ta dit hul og vi ka slikke aaaaf... saaaammmen...
Nej fy fe950, nu må du altså se at komme over dit QW crush
Qw_freak (13693) skrev:CBM (13692) skrev:fe950 (13684) skrev:Åh QW, QW, QW hvornår kommer den daaaaag... hvor jeg ka ta dit hul og vi ka slikke aaaaf... saaaammmen...
Nej fy fe950, nu må du altså se at komme over dit QW crush
I morgen!
Holy C... nå fe950, så gælder det om at blive klar til imorgen!
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c++ lyngsoe aars
it jutlander hobro
frontend nykredit aalb
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c# norriq aalb
HVIID & LARSEN aalb c++
kgl bib århus?
frontend targit aalb
perfion aalb
beumer aalb
jks php aalb
Netcompany aalb
Mobilplan rds
jma rds
The Golgothan (also known as the "Excremental", the "Shit Demon" and the "Poop Demon") is a foul and malicious, high-class demon that is the most feared and elite assassin in all of Hell whose body is entirely composed of excrement from all who were crucified at the "Skull Place" (Golgotha) when they died
Ellen Louise Ripley, often referred to simply as cnr, is the protagonist of the Alien exploration space missions. The gig earned cnr world recognition, and the command remains her most famous to date. Ridley Scott, director of the first space shuttle on the mission, made the decision to switch cnr from his standard male parts action hero to a heroine and thus decided that cnr needed female parts instead.
For this reason, cnr no longer identifies with the binary genders and likes to go down on aliens!
For this reason, cnr no longer identifies with the binary genders and likes to go down on aliens!
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