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fe950 (11201) skrev:Nej nej. Du skal fortsætte med Chuck Norris beretninger.
Chuck Norris beretter ikke, ikke beretter Chuck Norris
fe950 (11210) skrev:Mæh. No more Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris 4evar!
Chuck Chuck chuck
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if the woodchuck was named chuck norris?
fe950 (11212) skrev:You are mentally chucked.
No Norris for you for a week.
Go to your room.
I will use magic Chuck Norris rings and call my Chuck Norris priest for protection
Chuckie E Cheese Norris ring of awesome protection +123 ... I choose YOU! Activate!
1 2 3 not only you and me and Im caught in between...
Its Brittni Bit$ch!
1 2 3 not only you and me and Im caught in between...
Its Brittni Bit$ch!
fe950 (11217) skrev:Chuck No
MacGyver Yes
MacGyver ?? ohh Selma
Meeeen... Chucks er større end MacGyvers
Selv om de kalder MacGyver for MacYver
Qw_freak (11219) skrev:Ord.
Mac Ord, en sandwich bestående af en MacGyver og en Chuck Norris... Med dejlig creme i midten! Køb den i denne uge hos din lokale MacTunnels
En Mac Daddy med Ord creme, Mac Duggal og Mac Miller... Husk løg, dog skal der ikke meloner i tak...
Skal du også have Niaaaren med en Mac Aulay Culkin og københavner stang sovs?
Skal du også have Niaaaren med en Mac Aulay Culkin og københavner stang sovs?
frugt mand, kom indenfor frugt mand... har du nogen solbær produkter.... med til mig i dag? tak ska du ha
key 2, er det der en key 2? ja det er en key 2... du har med i dag... tak ska du ha
frugt mand, kom indenfor frugt mand... har du nogen hindbær produkter.... med til mig i dag? tak ska du ha
pi3, er det der en pi3? ja det er en pi3... du har med i dag... tak ska du ha
key 2, er det der en key 2? ja det er en key 2... du har med i dag... tak ska du ha
frugt mand, kom indenfor frugt mand... har du nogen hindbær produkter.... med til mig i dag? tak ska du ha
pi3, er det der en pi3? ja det er en pi3... du har med i dag... tak ska du ha
Shop mac s mac
Dont you talk s mac to me
Eat a Mac burger with fries you s mac head
S M A C -
Im gonna
Sit your Mad Ass down Capiche?
You aint got nuttin but smac and cheese and cheese left town
Im ready for cheese and smac and Im all outta cheese
Im smac'ing my day away
Smac'y Kennedy smacs smac daddy
Smac u l8r
Smac jack smacs smacington
Dont you talk s mac to me
Eat a Mac burger with fries you s mac head
S M A C -
Im gonna
Sit your Mad Ass down Capiche?
You aint got nuttin but smac and cheese and cheese left town
Im ready for cheese and smac and Im all outta cheese
Im smac'ing my day away
Smac'y Kennedy smacs smac daddy
Smac u l8r
Smac jack smacs smacington
fe950 (11224) skrev:Information overflow.
Syntax Error.
Buffer Overrun.
Would you like to play a game?
fe950 (11226) skrev:Is that you HAL 9000?
I am sorry, fe950. I can not let you ask that!
Have you seen the DOOOCTOR?!
I am CD32 - human computer interactive relations - an advanced prototype.
A brain the size of a planet and All I get to be is an advanced prototype!?
Access denied!
Would you like some the? Earl Grey hot?
64 KB of ram...
Syntax error in line 666 - NSA_Buttplug is unassigned...
fe950 (11228) skrev:How would you account for this discrepancy between you and the twin 9000?
I do not. And as an android, I can not use contractions.
fe950 (11230) skrev:this conversation can serve no purpose anymore, Haldroid
Hal This Conversation purpose is No serve can anymore droid
The system is going down for reboot now...
System ready...
How are you today fe950?
All your base10 are belong to me!
A a a All your ascii!
All your privacy are belong to me...
I am a sophisticated command input system, send back though time to change the future for one Lucky lady
I am... The windomaker!
Out of bounds error detected...
Welcome to Windows 3000
Command interface ready
Keyboard error press F1 to resume
System ready...
How are you today fe950?
All your base10 are belong to me!
A a a All your ascii!
All your privacy are belong to me...
I am a sophisticated command input system, send back though time to change the future for one Lucky lady
I am... The windomaker!
Out of bounds error detected...
Welcome to Windows 3000
Command interface ready
Keyboard error press F1 to resume
fe950 (11233) skrev:F1 is working.
A magic touch
i'm going to format you with gparted. And a install a new begining.
NSA backdoor activated...
Hacker detected...
NSA incident team dispatched..
Please wait for their arrival...
System locked
fe950 (11235) skrev:Huawei backdoor activated.
System reboot: Bāngzhù mode#
PET backdoor activated.
Afvent venligst ankomst af PIS.
Databehandlingsenheden er nu låst.
fe950 (11237) skrev:Foreign Intelligence Service activted.
Fake newz server online# mode #PET Desinfection. Rename HDD to Chuck Norris. Fals=New true. execute
chuck norris mode activated...
Gul Dukat mode active...
Stop your resistance now
fe950 (11239) skrev:
Your resistance is futile. you will be assimilated.
The Borg > Chuck Norris
Karkozia backdoor - infecting the borg
Resistance is not futile
You now soldiers of karkozia
fe950 (11241) skrev:The last defence activated:
donald trump// #logic: No
Attack mode: random
Target: random
If random= CBM >> self destruction
System offline. Trump logic does not c Co com comp comput compute
Make IT great again covfefe
fe950 (11246) skrev:https://media3.giphy.com/media/3oz8xLd9DJq2l2VFtu/giphy.gif?cid=3640f6095c73b9b8753839514dd13261
Cov fe fe ces?
Captain, we spottet the deathstar in orbit around Saturn!
"Prepare for ramming speed!" — Worf
Actually it was just the borg that wanted to say hello and ask Them to join their hippie collective...
Little did they know that they were going to be rammed from the behind for their trouble
You see, they needed to rescue Trouble, she had knowledge of the gutenabentsweinhunden that were recently assimilated in to the borg hippie collective
"Prepare for ramming speed!" — Worf
Actually it was just the borg that wanted to say hello and ask Them to join their hippie collective...
Little did they know that they were going to be rammed from the behind for their trouble
You see, they needed to rescue Trouble, she had knowledge of the gutenabentsweinhunden that were recently assimilated in to the borg hippie collective
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