Hvem får det sidste ord? :)
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KopNudler (6895) skrev:Thoroughbreed (6893) skrev:penge?Skal jeg ikke snart give nogen herinde nogle
Jeg har et par skærme, lidt RAM, nogle IDE diske og lidt andet blandet hvis det er?
vilke skærme?
#04 & #05
1 stk HP w2207 22" skærm
1 stk HP LP2065 20" skærm
Billeder og modelnavne, så kan i selv google jer til specs.
1 stk HP w2207 22" skærm
1 stk HP LP2065 20" skærm
Billeder og modelnavne, så kan i selv google jer til specs.
"We are in the year 2561 and who should have thought that the danish forumthread "Hvem får det sidste ord?" (on newz.dk), has reached a worldrecord high wordcount for one thread of 3.451.678.450.331 words.
But according to a partition (now signed by more than 1,822 million people worldwide), the actual wordcount is 3.451.678.450.330, so a recount has been asked for, which has now been approved by The Great Council.
So it's difficult to say who will indeed get the last word, in this ongoing and epic saga.
- and now over to You John. You have more on the hack of the transatlantic light-lines? ..."
But according to a partition (now signed by more than 1,822 million people worldwide), the actual wordcount is 3.451.678.450.330, so a recount has been asked for, which has now been approved by The Great Council.
So it's difficult to say who will indeed get the last word, in this ongoing and epic saga.
- and now over to You John. You have more on the hack of the transatlantic light-lines? ..."
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